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It was a kind of loan. MS did give 50m upfront for the extra DLC the way I understand it though is that when it comes to selling the DLC ms will keep the money from it. So Rockstar gets a 50m no risk while ms gets the chance of making that back. Thats how I understood it that might not be the case but I know that they didnt puy 50m without some puy back. As for all the free online thing that is suppose to sway buyers wouldnt that be true for call of duty 4 yet the 360 version is outselling it by loads and if it wasnt for the japan numbers for DMC4 the 360 version would have outsold the ps3 so brand recagnation doesnt seem to play a huge roll. Ofcourse Im not saying those points people have talked about wont play some part in the sales because I think they will just not as much as people might beleive.