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Love - 10
Hate - 0
No complaints here. I'm very happy with my Wii.

XBOX 360
Love - 5
Hate - 5
Okay. It has a couple of good titles (that I'll be getting when they come to PC). I haven't had any personal experience with the hardware, but word of mouth says it's bad.

Love - 1
Hate - 9
I just love the fact that this console keeps swimming upstream. Plus, I've never personally found games on any of the PS consoles to be that much fun. It's not a PS3 game, but my sister was playing Final Fantasy XII today. She described it as, "200 hours of boredom for a few cut scenes". I couldn't help but agree.

Love - 7
Hate - 3
Great company, generally love their software, generally dislike their hardware. They make great O/Ses, but then every now and then they'll make an MS-DOS 4, an ME or a Vista. Their hardware is ... blech. They specialise in re-branded cheap mouses and keyboards.

Love - 5
Hate - 5
What can I say? They make good TVs and monitors. I have a Trinitron at the moment, and I've heard only positive things about the Bravia. They do make PS3s though (-). Oh, but they made the Walkman (+). Oh, but they were responsible for the mini disc (-). Yeah, I'm 50/50 on this one.

Love - 5
Hate - 5
When they're good, they're very, very good. When they're bad, they're downright awful. (Actually, I think we're about to see that SCE are worse when they're on a downturn.) The Nintendo 64 was released and it seemed like over night the Nintendo brand went from playing a minor role to a major one in their line-up. It's only now that they've finally managed to shake the Apple hardware/software bundle model stigma (though admittedly, the Wii emanates a little *shudder* Apple style). Hmm... Apple... I'd love to write a little love/hate piece about Apple.