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Never said:
Conegamer said:
For me this is PlayStation, and as much as I love the N64 it's not that much of a competition.

Sure, the N64 has got a good number of excellent games (OoT, MM, Mario 64, Mario Party etc) but the PS1 has just so many more (Spyro trilogy, Crash trilogy, FFVII-IX, Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo etc.) which tips it over the edge in my opinion.

The key thing for me is "which of these systems would I choose if I could only have one?" and the answer is the PS1 for me.

They both had great games of course but I'm slighly suprized by a few people still thinking tomb raider was a good game. I suppose it earn't points for innovation being an earily and novel attempt at 3d gaming, but the controls and gameplay sucked even for the time.

I honestly thought (Slightly arrogantly maybe) that tomb raider love would have died away by now and everyone these days would realise what I knew all along. That it sucked. :p

I think, if anything, Tomb Raider is underrated. It seems to be largely forgotten by fans and critics. I rarely, if ever, see it on critics' top lists and it failed to break 200 on our own "Top 250" thread. It's really a shame. I consider it one of the very best games of the fifth generation. The level design is excellent, the gameplay -- a clever mix of acrobatics, puzzle-solving, gunplay, and exploration -- is near-perfect, and the production values are stellar.