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To me the answer is easily N64. Because it has some of the best games that I know of, like Zelda: OoT and MM, Mario 64, Banjoo Kazooie and Tooie, GoldenEye etc. While on PS there are a few games that I liked, such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro 2, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Gran Turismo 2.

I will however admit that I have only played very few games from the PS, and that I could(probably) have missed out on some really great games. And that I prefer the DualShock over the N64 controller.

Both has some great games, the PS has the better controller, the PS has the larger game library etc. But in the end, if I could only choose one it would be the N64, especially because of the games that I mentioned.