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Yes. The reason why nintendo is seen as for children and playstation is not is because that besides knack, sly, ratchet and clank, etc. They also produced titles rated for an older audience. Whereas nintendo really doesnt. Playstation is more of a mixed bag for everyones taste really. Young and old. On the complete opposite side we have microsoft who really only makes manly bro titles. Gears, halo, cars brah,. Now they also have kinect titles but i think of it more as a seperate system that those who uses kinect for games only uses plays games that are kinect enabled (simply because the the core 360 user sees the kinect as a joke and game breaker). If nintendo were to release just a 25% ratio of mature rated titles then they wouldnt be seen as for kids. I would be interested to see them doing a similar thing as to what naughty dog did with the jak and daxter franchise after the first entry. A far more sinister zelda perhaps? And not just a grittyer artstyle but a darker character tone aswell. Heck why not turn it into a gorefest like that black and white wii game? :D