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nintendo never lost the core audience. and they will not lose it with the wii u
look at the "big" games that came first for the wii u.
zelda WWHD, w101, pikmin 3. all core games. WW is just a fantastic game, the zelda nobody wanted but everybody loves, thats a big middle finger to all who said WW is an ugly bad game that kills zelda.
W101 is a nice try to use the wiiu gamepad, and its hard as shit.
and pikmin is just a little art piece, u realy get sucked in the world of the pikmin.
3 games for the hardcore gamers that play games because they love it as an artform.

the problem is, there are not sooo many coregamer out there an a console just for the core gamer dont realy works. and nintendo shouldnt try to make the wii u just for the core gamers. we are 25+, sure we will buy the next nintendo console anyway. but u cant plan ur future just on the core gamers. u have to light the fire in kidsfor future generations of consoles.