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Man said:
Do you guys really think the fact the game series started on the ps will mean more ps sales? What does recognition of where the franchise began have to do with it?

Ignoring the people that only own 1 of the ps3/360 combination(as theyll buy for whatever console they have), most people will see the advertising saying on 360 and ps3, and then choose which console to buy most likely based on the other games on the system.

No ones gonna think, oh the playstation is where gta started, ill buy that. Theyll think, oh the ps3 has final fantasy and gran turismo coming out as well as gta, so ill get that.

The dlc might also impact, but i seriously doubt a single person will pick up gta on ps3 over 360 because the originals were on the ps.... that to me is a completely stupid thing to do and it makes no logical sense.

The only time the series recognition on playstation might cause someone to buy the ps3 over 360 is if they dont happen to realise its multiplatform. Then theyre more likely to associate gta with playstation, and assume its only coming for ps3 or a timed exclusive for ps3. But i think with microsofts advertising, thats not gonna happen too much.

I think people like to stick with what they know. Obviously, present 360 and present PS3 owners will buy the game for the system they already have. The battle will be over the 80 million or so PS2 owners who have not yet bought a next gen console. By and large, these are "traditional-casual" gamers (as opposed to the new-Wii-casuals), and they often don't do their homework. If they want to play GTA4, and know it s available on PS3, they may not even bother to consider the 360, let alone be aware of the exclusive content. Thus MS has to hope that they advertise enough to get through to the thickest PS2 owners, and that the PS3's price tag is still high enough to keep those gamers at least on he sidelines, if not in the 360s corner.