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Is Nintendo considered for children? Yes. Maybe unfairly idk, I don't buy Nintendo products for that reason. I bought a 3DS for about 2 weeks. During that time my parents, friends and every one that knew me all gave me grief and sent me a pretty clear message that I was playing kids games. They actively tried to make me feel terrible for owning a 3DS. My dad even suggested that I go back to playing call of duty -- to be frank, it was really embarrassing.

I would have kept the 3DS if it had games I liked. It did not so I got rid of it. Games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and every game on the 3DS library is made for kids as proven by their marketing efforts. Do you know why Xbox One commercials can show 30+ year old men playing Titanfall, but if Nintendo did the same thing with Animal Crossing it would be creepy?

According to Nielson, the Wii was most popular with kids 6-11 and the 3DS and DS is more popular with those under 13.

Of course we already knew this. The first link is really interesting though as it shows that the average PlayStation and 360 owner aren't chidlren as some people like to think.