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RolStoppable said:
Third party support. Software sells hardware, so a console with a lot of quality games will sell more than a console that is deprived of content.

Usually it's the leader in hardware sales that gets the best third party support, hence why successful consoles rise to even greater dominance. The oddities in generation 4 and 7 are due to Western third parties putting inferior multiplatform games on the SNES (EA being the poster child; people don't give a damn about those 16-bit sports games nowadays, but they sure did matter back in the day), and third parties backing the losers in gen 7 while giving the Wii the short end of the stick.

That's actually a very interesting take. I think that may explain why the PS360 has been able to close the gap with the Wii so much as of late. 3rd party support may very well be the secret sauce.