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I think Sony will take the show, but Microsoft will probably have a good few surprises to balance the equation. Nintendo, however, likely won't do so well. They'll probably announce more same-old games that do little excite anyone.

I have a feeling Sony will champion Uncharted 4, The Order 1886, DriveClub, Guerrilla's new IP, a new game by Santa Monica, The Last Guardian, and new games from Quantic Dream, Media Molecule and Sony Bend. They'll probably also give Final Fantasy XV a big spot, as well as AC Unity, as far as third party goes.

If they deliver at lost a good few of those, they'll have won it for me. I know Halo 5 footage will excite a lot of people, but Microsoft really need to deliver a stable lineup of genuine exclusives - no timed exclusives or exclusive DLC, or even "also on PC and 360!" types either. If they can bring some of those they'll do just fine, but Microsoft's first party side has always been their weak spot.