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Let me start by saying the only motion-controlled racing games to have critical sales success and good overall reception have been kart games. While a variety of other racing games have supported motion controls -- I don't think any really ever caught on. Kind of shame as it's the genre that probably holds the most promise for motion controls.

The fact that Slightly Mad cancelled the PS360 version but not the WiiU version is intriguing.

I don't think they're fully going just for the traditional racer with traditional controls. This also being a PC release means there's probably racing wheel support. While full racing wheels are interesting, they're expensive and often collect dust -- especially  when made for consoles. However, I think Slightly Mad could be going for the same experience on consoles with motion controls.

By the time it releases, Mario Kart will have been out in full force for several months -- meaning you have many folks who have recent experience with racing motion controls.

But hold on, the PS4's Dualshock 4 also supports motion controls. Though I don't know if that feature is confirmed in CAR's PS4. But let's assume it is. Bring in the Morpheus VR crowd in and you have yet another segment open to motion control scheme.

I think between the GamePad, Wii-wheel, and the DS4 you some pretty good motion control options. They're considered mainstream enough to build features around but are yet so underutilized that it could critically differentiate Project Cars from other console racing games.

The only racing game in recent memory that tried motion controls: Need for Speed Most Wanted U -- which sadly failed in sales. Over the last few days, I've grown accustomed to the Gamepad motion controls of NFSMWU and I can tell you that it delivers a pretty immersive racing experience. While it feels imprecise at first -- you grow to be more aware of how you're holding the controller and begins to feel much more like you're at the wheel. IMO If it were more timely ported and better marketed at the time of the WiiU launch it would have done far, far better in sales...

Are there other motion-controlled racing sims I missed?  If you know of them, I'd like to hear about your experience.

 TLDR I think Project Cars offers a good chance of being the best motion-controlled racing sim ever made. And you?

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016