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Dark Odin said:
congrats hideok! and thanks for the update arcturus.

after my first platinum in 2014 (battflefield 3), i´m addicted in destiny of spirits on vita, it´s a free to play game for the ones that don´t know it, with a really time consuming 100%. it´s a pitty that its servers are offline about 20% of the time, so in between i´m playing batman blackgate - not a great game, but still good.. horrible, horrible maps. after 3 playthroughs, im not even thinking about touching it on PS3.

and on PS3 side, unfortunately I started lords of shadows 2... mediocre game, the stealth parts ruined a game that could be good (i really liked the first one). almost finishing my hard playthrough, then collectibles, then challenges, and then.... I´ll be glad it´s over and I´ll be back playing just FF XIV on my PS3 for some months.

Is it possible to get all trophies for Destiny of Spirits without spending real money?