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JEMC said:

I've just fallen in love... for a monitor

Oh, if only I had the money, the space (that thing is huge!) and the GPU power to run it

I wan't three.
Racing sims would be freaking awesome on three 21:9 panels.

The problem with 21:9 aspect ratios though is allot of games simply don't support it, StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 being prime examples. (Althought Blizzard cites those with such aspect ratios get an unfair advantage which is fair enough.)

Older games stuck in the 4:3 land is equally frustrating. :(

Majority of games you just need to edit a configuration file, unless it's an unreal powered game, then you're screwed more often than not. :P
Probably best to stick to 2560x1440 which retains the 16:9 layout, can be had cheaply these days (Think as low as $300) and some panels allow you to overclock them to 120hz.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--