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JPL78 said:

That's awesome for you. I'm glad you are completely happy with the Wii U's library past, present and future.

I've played all the must play games I wanted to play. Because I own 360 and PS3 that basically only left Nintendo exclusives and it didn't take that long to go through Windwaker, New SMB, Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong, nintendoland, wonderful 101, Pikmin and even Wii games I missed like Skyward Sword and the Galaxy games.

So been there, done that and like 8 months after dropping 300 dollars on a system I've done everything I wanted and there are very limited future releases I care about. Why shouldn't I be disappointed? I had almost NINE YEARS of constant new releases on Xbox 360!

But I'm stuck with it for the Virtual Console games I own and it is there that I would like to see improvement. I want to see more virtual console games, more frequently. What they have been doing with GBA games is hopeful.

So you just named 8 exclusives on WiiU PLUS at least 3 on Wii though infered to others PLUS an untold number of VC games you've played all within the 8 months you owned your WiiU and that didn't already make it worth it? Not to mention you're likely missing quite a few other exclusives (zombiu) or other games that are just better on WiiU/Wii (rayman) as well as many others from Wii... but you still claim it wasn't worth it. 


As far as future games go, well yeah Nintendo doesn't spill the beans on all their in work games. But you know they'll come. MK8, SSB, Zelda, X, Hyrule Warriors, Fatal Frame, Bayonetta2... just to name the known. Then you figure in the more obvious unknown like another mario, various mario sports/party, whatever Miyamoto is working on which is almost assured to be good (he has a great track record), whatever Retro is working on... etc.

IDK man. Obviously each person's tastes are different. But based on games you've already mentioned, I think you're just being pessimistic or willfully ignoring what WiiU has now, including Wii/VC, and has coming up. Plus the good indie titles.

Yes, PS4XBO are obviosly kings of the 3rd parties. But WiiU already has a good library that Nintendo will continue to support for at least another couple years. BTW, how many X360's did you buy during those nine years? i.e. how much on hardware did you spend? (since you're comparing $300 and 8mos now)