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Well for starters Titanfall isn't an exclusive. It's also on the PC and Xbox 360, both platforms with much larger userbase numbers than the Xbox One. Secondly unless we have any idea about the financials involved for Titanfall then there's no point in saying it was pointless or wasn't pointless. We have absolutely zero insight into those numbers and there are no metrics or basis for comparison. Same goes for whatever MS expected the game to push on Xbox One. I could make a thread saying it's grossly exceeded their expectations and I'd be basing it on just as many facts as this thread.

Lastly, couldn't this logic be applied to every single exclusive ever? I mean hey guys Last of Us on PS3 didn't even crack 5 million sold at retail. Imagine how many millions more they could have sold with a 360 version. Why is Sony just leaving money on the table like that? wtf