Nice review, it was nice simple and straight to the point!
I'm curious, did you stop playing the game after you had defeated the last boss because there is a lot of side missions to complete like collecting all the stars or stamps in each world that extends the games length. I think if you were to just to stop playing after world 8 the game would feel short but if you go and try to get all the collectibles in each level there's actually a lot to complete and the game becomes pretty long and well worth the $60 IMO.
I just got the game a week ago and I just beat the 8th world and now am starting to collect all the stars and stamps in each of the levels. I already have close to 10 hours logged into the game and can imagine that number to double once I 100% complete the game. My only complaint about this game is that it felt too easy. The difficulty level just started to get a little hard towards the very last couple of levels which was a little disappointing. I wish they did something similar to how the Mario 3D Land did it on the 3DS and add challenge levels to the already existing levels.
All in all 3D land was a blast and a must buy for Wii U owners. The graphics were surprisingly good too... for everyone always saying how weak the Wii U is the graphics in this game were AMAZING.
Edit: Just checked It was actually close to 13 hours for me to just complete the 8 worlds
Survivor Millennial vs Gen X!!