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Pemalite said:
globalisateur said:

Why only 2K? We already can do 4K at 30fps with ~4tflops, can we?

PS5 with at least 10-15tflops (and better technology) will obviously target 4K (and easily IMO) for gaming and movies, exactly like PS4 targeted 1080p for games and succeeded, we still have only one game sub-1080p, an unoptimized launch game at 900p and at 60fps).

I really hope that Microsoft understand that and really try to release a 4K hardware this time. The problem with XB1 is not really the Tflops but more the inefficiency of the API (directs X is the culprit), the bad memory architecture (just see what Sucker punch can do with a ~100MB fast video framebuffer with Infamous SS) and number or ROPS.

What they could add this time is a hybrid SSD hard drive to improve IO access.

Teraflops aren't important.
Compare the Radeon 5870 against the 6970, the 6970 has a slightly lower TFLOP number, but the 6970 is easily faster, both despite having more flops than a 7870, looses to the 7870, see the trend here?

You need SERIOUS horsepower to render games at 4k and beyond, my old three Radeon 7970's in crossfire struggled in many games at max graphics at 7680x1440, that's roughly 20% more pixels than 4k.
Now I have Quad-Radeon 290's and it's no longer an issue, not because of the "Flops" but because of the video memory amount and bandwidth, an extra card helps a ton too.

This level of performance is not going to be mainstream performance anytime soon.
The GPU upgrade cycle has also slowed down in recent years, no longer are we seeing giant leaps and bounds every year, it's shifted over to bi-yearly.

You would more than likely be looking at a QHD standard for the next consoles, that's 2560x1440, which is a resolution that's gaining momentum across mobile and the PC industry.

Agreed with all the points here except the final sentence. Although technically true and feasible, most TV sets are not configured with that kind of resolution but set at 1080p max. So although the consoles may be capable of such resolutions, the outputs will not be there. Let's remember the 10x increase from the PS2 era to the PS3 while the resolutions increased only within the feasible range from 480p to 720p at the time. The TV standardization is a very slow process. The standard 1080p TVs have been available for almost a decade but only gaining traction in the last few years. There is no certain standard resolution over 1080p right now other than 4K, and we need at least 10+ years to follow that kind of performance.

My point is, the next gen will either go 1080p or 4K (given current trends), and there is no way 4K will be feasible by then.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates