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I will say this much right now, feel free to quote me on it down the line.

As time goes by development of games for the xbox one will improve, framerates and resolutions will improve, though not dramatically for resolution, this would have been the case without DX12 being added to the mix.

DX12 is not a magic pill however, using functions and features of DX12 will not magically increase performance beyond what is currently possible or allow developers to use higher resolutions than they currently do on the same codebases.
what DX12 WILL do however, is manage the resources that game use in a much more uniform fashion, stabalizing framerates, so instead of jumps from 20fps to 35fps, youll be looking at 28-32 fps, or 45-65 to 55-62fps, smaller dips and peaks that provide a somewhat smoother experience.
load balancing the threads does free up some space to pack in a little more, but that unlocked overhead isn't anywhere near enough to make drastic resolution or target framerate jumps, it means however that in future when making engines from scratch, optimizations can be made to use the resources more efficiently, and the result is a better performing product, so taking a small step ahead of the development curve that would have happened anyway.

I just dont understand why it seems a lot of people are just expecting something along the lines of a "system update that enabled dx12" that will magically make everything run better, that just isnt going to happen, DX12 functions will find their way in to the SDK to be used by developers for new games, and slowly evolve over time with the SDK, functions will change, be added, be removed, mature, and so on, just as ALL sdk's are constantly improved upon and updated.

Think of it this way, a DX9 mode game will run more or less identical on DX10, or DX11 as it did on DX9, the software support needs to be added to the engine for it to make full use of the API, the same goes for xbox one games.

People need a taste of reality.