shams on 01 March 2007
mrstickball said:
It's a question I ask each time someone argues that the PS3 is selling horribly. Everyone watermarks it as supposed to sell better than a PS2. How was that ever feasable at any time? The PS2 launched at half the price worldwide.
I bought a launch unit PS2 here in Australia on the day it launched. I think it originally retailed for about $800 - but I bought extra "warranty", which took the price to $1000AU. Which is the same price the PS3 is launching at.
The PS2 was an amazing machine when it launched - light years ahead of anything else around (sorry DC!). It also came with a free demo disc, which had heaps of cool stuff on it. I never regretted buying my PS2.
The PS3 just isn't amazing - in anyway. It doesn't excite or blow me away in any form. This to me, is why the PS2 significantly outsold the PS3 after launch. Its no better than a 360 (at the moment anyway) - and the 360 is much cheaper, has been around for a year, and has HEAPS of cool games (no Im not a 360 fanboy, nor do I own one).
People are always interested in things that are new / revolutionary. The PS2 was when it launched - and the Wii has that this generation (hands down).
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