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Kyuu said:
Common teenage gamers would rate me a 10/10 "DUDE YOU'RE A FUCKING LEGEND!!!" more experienced gamers consider me an 8-9 gamer.

But in comparison to REAL Nerdish gamers I'm hardly any good. I'd score myself a 7.. maybe an 8 when all genres considered.

I've been a gamer since I was 5 :D

Haha, same here. Once I went to visit The Art of Video Games at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and got in line for the Pac-Man demo. I started doing well and the kids behind me started saying stuff like "this guy's really good!" That was a nice ego boost :D

Like you I've been playing games since I was a kid, so I have a strong foundation. Like anything, mastering video games is all about practice. I'm best at games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros (made it to the finals in a tournament), and shooters like GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, TimeSplitters, etc.