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If I interpret your question correctly, you're basically asking which one, Sony or Microsoft, that the common Nintendo gamer prefer the most of those two. And throwing in Apple if you include casuals (but if you do then Apple is the clear winner, according to all the people who says that the Wii fanbase moved on to smartphones).

But if we only count "gamers", then I'll say Sony. They're both Japanese, even though Playstation feels Western centric, it may have something to do with it. I also may be a bit behind in the thought of family friendly games, I feel Spyro, Crash and Ape Escape gave PS gamers some respectable competitors of the N64 platformers, but that was a long time ago. Still, with casual-friendly titles like Singstar, I feel people who primarily play on Nintendo consoles would choose Sony over MS. This is of course very individual, but I feel the general opinion is this.
