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Too many 1 hour games for $30 or more. I want full games, not bits and pieces! I don't want incomplete "prologues", I've never bought any episodic games, give me the entire experience and story. Day one dlc doesn't bother me too much, as long as the game I buy can stand on it's own legs without it.

there is one thing I've always thought about game prices though. I think games should be tiered, as not all games are worth the same $60. I just can't see how a game like elder scrolls, a game I've dumped 200+ hours into, can be considered a $60 game, and call of duty is the same price. Or how madden football is $60 every year, with minimal to no changes at all.... Second son is a full fledged game at $60, and I don't think ground zeroes is a $30 game, second son has a ton more game for that extra $30....