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kitler53 said:
JerCotter7 said:

They also said over 1 billion hours when I showed it would be over 2 billion. Which number do you think they would use?

Your link doesn't back anything up. The ammount of kids who own an xbox one at this stage is probably quite low. Kids usually aren't early adopters and just because they spend 5 hours watching tv doesn't mean they will spend the same amount of time on a console. 

 You could have played it for 5 hours a day for the last week. I didn't turn mine on for the last week so the average would be 2.5 hours unless you don't count consoles not turned on. If you do you would have to play 10 hours a week to make up for me not playing.

not sure what your kids comment proves,..

For all ethnic groups, TV viewing time increases steadily as we get older, according to the March 2014 “Cross-Platform Report” released by the Nielsen media ratings company.

and i don't really give a shit about your usage story.  average, look it up.


You said kids view 5 hours a day. I'm saying that personally as I got older I have less and less time to spend at a tv each day. I'm guessing anyone with a career would say the same thing. 

It's okay don't take it personally petal. I gave you an example of why it would be hard to get a 5 hour average so no idea why you would link me to a wikipedia page. Is it meant to show me where MS got their numbers from?

Also the HDMI through didn't work in EU very well at the start so I doubt many here used it. Also I doubt people turn there xbox on for 5 hours just to watch something they already watch on there cable box. Talk about a waste of money.

Anyway I can see you are taking this a bit personal so I'm not going to reply anymore in case I hurt your feelings some more. I will read your response though for entertainment value.