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With the huge sales the Xbox One has got, $450 + Titanfall and Forza 5($400 one day due to an error at Amazon,) I'm thinking it's less about how much the Xbox One costs over the PS4 and that more people than we expect are aware of the difference in power. How many 720p/900p on Xbox One stories have popped up, 1080p for PS4 all pointing towards the fact that PS4 is more powerful.

Or it could be other things. Like how support for the 360 practically dropped off after three years, the value of PS+ over XBL, the increase in support of the PS3 to the end of the gen after the first few years, the large amount of Japanese exclusives if they're a fan of those games, or maybe some people purchasing systems their friends are getting and they switched to PS4 because of one of these reasons above.