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on foot missions could be included if done to an extreme minimum (like one or two in the game) or as an optional side game to compliment the main game.

What would be awesome is to see a game set up like Star Fox 64 where you could play each level one of four ways. 1. Arwing 2. New Ship 3. Landmaster 4. On Foot. Each would have its own version of the level (specially tailored for each option, not just the same level from different vantige points, I mean unique story, unique bosses & enemies) and most likely with a different character for each option depending on the story mode at that point or what path you took to get to that stage.

Even have so the fifth option of a Wolfen would be unlockable at the end of the game or by doing something incredible in that stage.

Of course online is a must and on-foot was fun in Starfox 64 so that would be included as well.