Wright on 18 April 2014
lestatdark said: With the recent turn of events regarding robotechheaven, I'd hate to see this thread disappear into VGC-hell. So, i'm gonna post here as to what current RPG i'm playing and I'm hoping more people will do the same. We need this historic VGC thread to be kept alive. As for me, i'm currently replaying Diablo 2: LoD as a new Zealadin. Since my WW Barb found a Paladin Hellfire Torch, I decided to go back to my original D2 build. Currently at level 58 (just 2 more levels till annihilus) on Act II Nightmare, playing at Players 7 modifier. Also waiting to get my PS3 back so I can go back to Dark Souls 2 and Ni No Kuni. What about you guys? |