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Hey guys just woke up. Lots of questions so I'll touch on them all here.

1. February wasn't an adjustment month, the One did worse in March then February. Tax returns did very well for the console in Feb and outside of Titanfall week sales for the One were sloooow in March.

2. April is looking to be rough. I honestly won't be surprised soon if we see the One hit around 100k months soon. If MS dont make some drastic moves this summer will be brutal.

3. Watch Dogs is going to be pretty huge on next gen. Most of the mass market consumers know nothing about the "drama" or "downgrade". That being said the delay has hurt the hype and if the game reviews low that could certainly hurt it. As long as it reviews even decently though should have an excellent launch / attach rate.

4. Sony saying the system is heavily supply constrained currently isn't true. It was in March but April has been pretty good all things considered. Not overflowing mind you but the best Ive seen since launch.

5. guys have no idea how fucking huge this game is going to be.