cusman said: I prefer games that have simple but engaging gameplay/controls. Knack has simple controls, but it lacks polish and the character and controls are just not fluid. The story was predictable but still fine. I played with my kids watching. My wife played the co-op Knack. We played on "easy" because not interested in the game being any harder than it already was due to how stiff the controls are. The best launch game for PS4 is inFAMOUS: Second Son. The controls are amazing. They are simple and intuitive, while also being highly engaging and fun. I have not played Ryse, but I would give it a try if I were to get an XBO because I am interested in the Rome setting. |
What is this Polish you all are speaking of. Expound. Not being funny but really curious. Because that is very broad. And infamous is not simple and intuitive you can have over 30 powers and moves to remember at one time and that is anti-simple and anti-intuitive. I like that game as well but controls are fluid but not simple.