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rocketpig said:
kenzomatic said:
iclim4 said:
kenzomatic said:
rocketpig said:
*high fives final fan*

It is fine if people believe in their faith. Just don't try to present it as fact.

What is the point of believing anything if you don't believe it to be true?

you present a very good question.

I guess different faiths all have different "truths".
If every religion claimed their "truth" to be fact, there would be a lot of contradictions.
So your "truth" are only facts before you and your fellow believers, don't present your "truth" as fact elsewhere.

WOW I wasn't expecting a real answer. You make a very good point.

That is why it is important to establish a common ground before debating with some one, well at least if you are trying to change there mind.

Kenzo, don't be too hard on iclim. He/she is a pretty reasonable person. I have no problem with people who believe in whatever religion they choose, I only have problems with people who push those beliefs onto the populace at large.

I know plenty of religious people and my best friend is a devout Catholic. He also understands evolution, the universe, and history as well as any of us. We agree on most things (he's not a Creationist) but we differ on the point of God. Most importantly, both of us accept each others' beliefs and choose to agree to disagree. We've been best friends for 17 years now. Science and religion are not enemies, it's the people who choose to fight the battle between them that make them enemies.

Haven't said it for awhile...

Objectivism statements FTW!

 No No I was actually surprised by a real answer. So I wasn't trying to be mean, sorry if it came of that way. See I was expecting to be attacked by some religious hating troll.


"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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