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3DS Release Added to Cult County's Core Kickstarter Target

Posted Wed 16th Apr 2014 10:30 by Thomas Whitehead


"You spoke. We listened."

In early April Renegade Kid launched a Kickstarter campaign for Cult County on home consoles (including Wii U), Vita and PC. It was a title that had been announced for 3DS in early 2013, but as the studio's co-founder Jools Watsham told us, the shift to using the Unity engine and focusing on greater scope had shifted the project to more powerful hardware.

Yes, it was a very difficult decision for us to move away from the 3DS with Cult County, but the development of Moon Chronicoles helps soften that blow for us. We are very excited about what consoles offer, and the opportunity to flex some extra polygonal muscle with the power that consoles and computers offer.

Despite the other titles the developer is bringing to Nintendo's portable, some were certainly vocal in their disappointment that the first-person horror title was no longer coming to the 3DS — not without an unspecified but large stretch goal being reached. Unfortunately that's looked an impossibility, as the core funding target of $580,000 has looked like a long-shot in recent days. Responding to demand, the studio has now changed course and added the 3DS to that target, saying the following in its project update.

We have a little treat for the Nintendo handheld fans out there.


You spoke. We listened. You want Nintendo 3DS as an option for Cult County? You got it!

We sent the call out on twitter, and we got a tremendous response. 248 retweets and 47 favorites later we hear you loud and clear.

If the minimum funded goal of $580,000 is reached, you will be able to choose the Nintendo 3DS as your platform of choice for your download code.

This change may help the campaign boost its momentum, as with 16 days to go it's raised less than $40,000 — at the time of writing — of that $580,000 goal.

Are you excited that the original 3DS version is now back on the table, and do you think that'll give the campaign a valuable boost?

the games Kickstarter here:

Has anyone here supported this?