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You haven't even given this gen enough of a chance to see 1 single E3 or full release year yet dude. Also as I have stated before, there is no major technological jump occurring with this gen release which definitely takes a way a lot of the excitement. 8 to 16 bit, or 16 to 32, or SD to HD, stereo to Dolby, or Blu-ray vs HDDVD, or HDMI etc. etc. etc. Nothing like that is occurring this gen. Also have you not played Resogun, Dead Rising 3, Titanfall, MGS, Infamous SS, AC4, KI and so on?? there are a bunch of great games out for new gen and has been since day 1.  Tons of people say this everytime new consoles are released.  TONS.  There is absolutely nothing that makes this gen any inherently worse than most of the others in the past other than this instant gratification and entitlement attitude that has swept over the planet over the past 4 or 5 years regarding everything including video games.