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Will you be interested in other games from either system down the line? You have The Order: 1886 on PS4, if you're interested in that. If you've never played The Last of Us you'll be able to play the enhanced edition as well.

I'm unsure what exclusive titles will drop for the XBO later, but you should keep those in mind as well (E3 is around the corner too).

I'd also look at which consoles my friends are getting if I were you. Currently, out of my closest gaming friends, 9 have decided to go with the PS4 while 3 are going with the XBO and only 1 is going with the Wii U. That makes my decision pretty easy with respect to the PS4 since I tend to enjoy mp oriented games with my actual friends.

If you plan on getting both then get the one that suits your needs best between now and the next few months, and you could always get the other system later.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS