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Assyrian612 said:
Nem said:

From a business pov sonys exit of the portable market may be an opportunity in japan, but i dont think sega has the strengths to make it a sucess.

Old SEGA might have pulled it off but the new company is just a shell of what it used to be, with 9 disions beeing reduced with the times to about 3. pso2, yakuza, sonic teams. The rest is outsourced.

So, the potential exists, but old sega doesnt.

Thank you for your input, I agree 100% except I do believe Sega has the strength to pull it off. The only issue is their will to do it, and currently as you said it's just a shell of it's former self. I still support them, because they are my childhood memories that made me the gamer I am today. That's why I still cling on hope for a Sega rising even if the candle is faint.

Oh, believe me, i understand. I have a love story with old Sega and my heart was broken when they went down. 

I still think old sega is the best first party that ever was. I loved almost all of their games and i still think it was ahuge loss to the games market.

As much as i wish they would return, we have to understand that the new company is more Sammy than Sega and the talent all left. Even Yu suzuki wich brought so much money to sega with AM2, probably Sega's best development team, not to mention Yuji naka are beeing wasted away in a small team that hardly has budget to make games or occupy irrelevant honorary positions.

Realisticly speaking, the only way i see old SEGA beeing revived is if Nintendo buys them and brings back some of the talent.