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coasterlove said:
Awesome. This really sums up how I feel. That being said, I think games prices are fine and more than fair as long as the games are good. I'm 35 and I remember paying (my parents anyway) $40-50 for NES games and later up to $60 or $65 for SNES games. Considering that it's over 20 years later and we're still paying the same price when inflation has basically raised the price of everything around us, I think the price is a deal in that sense. When you also factor the price of making a game compared to 20 years ago, it makes me sad for developers and publishers that so many good games don't sell that well. Also upsetting that some games sell ten or twenty times what a similar or even better game may sell just because they're not a known franchise.

Not really. PCs have gone down in price, TVs as well, blu-ray players are far cheaper now than VHS players were. Nowadays I pay less for movies than 20 years ago. Laserdiscs cost me 70 guilders, about $32, that's before inflation. New blu-ray releases are $20 to $25. Music and books, cheaper or the same, mostly thanks to digital distribution and online shopping. When it comes to entertainement it's really only movie tickets that have gone up.

Games would sell better at lower price points. I know I would buy more. Now I'm content with steam sales and what ps+ throws my way. Not that I can't afford it but for a lot of games I don't feel the value is there.