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*Sound Of Rain said:

oniyide said:

 No, its not up to Nintendo to tell us the desing is flawed, they most likely wont admit it is. It is up to the people to decide it is, and guess what, they are saying it is flawed by not buying it. I also dont buy the marketing, people know it exists they dont care thats the problem


I know it's up to the consumer. I meant Nintendo has to market it and lower the price before everyone says there is no return. It could very well continue to sell like it has been but that's yet to be seen.

I think that the average person doesn't know it exists. I own a Wii U and when my family or friends come over, many of them don't understand what a Wii U is. Why would they? If they aren't big gamers, where would they have seen it? 

I agree that the gamers know what it is but just don't care. That is a problem of both price and games that aren't platformers. Even the Nintendo fanbase has little reason to buy it so far if they like the other types of games Nintendo normally offers but hasn't yet for Wii U.

what more marketing could they do? there are commercials, ads what more? Lower the price, they could do that but they are already not making money on the system they would start losing money if they lower the price. Im going under the assmption that they will not add more marketing or lower the price, so i dont see why it would get an uptick outside of Mario kart and holidays

They could see it in Gamestop, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. those arent some small chain stores they are huge. So yes i do think most people at least have seen one, but they simply dont care, its the opposite effect of Wii. Price isnt a problem of not caring. If they cared and it was too expensive they would wait for price drops, that didnt really increase WIi U fortunes when they did one, so i can only conclude price is not an issue its the product. PS4 xone support this as they are much more expensive and are doing much better. So it cant be the price unless even the Ninty faithful dont think Ninty systems are above a certain value.