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My Top 3

Journey.- Dat music

Spec ops: the line.- you are still a good person

Valkyria Chronicles.- takakakakakakaka



Xenoblade.- sry guys, but the only reason for this game to be such a wonderful epic masterpiece (imo), is because was launched in a year with almost no major AAA releases (is kinda hard to believe that the best 2 JRPGs came out at the same year in a system with almost 0 JRPG...), and... well, for me the most annoying fact about Xenoblade is how long it takes to actually start, i mean,  first 10-15hrs of the game is you doing pointless sidequest and wandering around and thats is really a sin for a story-driven game.

 The last story might not be as huge as xenoblade, and the overall story can be considered inferior, but at least is more focused, i really hate fillers in videogames (when are required to complete the game). Anyway, all this only means that i dont enjoy the game as most people, but thats my taste, so i cant put it as an overrared game based on that. I do it because people (on forums), make up qualities that the game doesnt have. For example:

"this game/story is so mature"- Fact, the target audience for this is the same as the FF franchise (teenagers). Not a bad thing, but still, xenoblade is described as a grown up game for some reason ( to add more value i guess, but thats not really necessary, mature game =/= good game)

Skyrim.- Huge game, a lot of content, 0 substance.

The last of us.- There iss no way for a game with 200+ Goty awards to not be overrated for a bunch of people xD