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kowenicki said:
celador said:

They probably didn't expect Microsoft to slash £80 off the price of the console and give the game away for free.


There are 8.7m 360 owners and 450k ONE owners.  Assuming all those ONE owners were 360 owners that leaves 8.3m 360 owners to go at.


I wouldn't say it's irrelevant. Anyone who wanted an X1 and bought it in the last couple of weeks will have gotten TF for free, even if they had absolutely no interest in it. That means at least a portion of the X1's TF sales exist simply because it was free, an advantage the 360 version doesn't have.

Without knowing what % of those TF purchases were actually due to genuine interest and what % of them were due to there currently being little choice on the next gen consoles, we can't know what actual impact it had. I'd say there are enough variables to make a direct comparison with the 360 version pretty pointless.

Really though, you should know better than to compare anything based on install bases right now. We all know how silly that it this early in the gen, considering how hugely inflated the attachment ratios are and how the majority of early gen sales are from more avid gamers whose buying habits tend to vary quite a bit from standard customers. Buying a new console for a better version of the same game might make sense to them, but that doesn't mean it would to the rest of the world :p