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The worry and doubt in people's hearts here must be making their fingers tremble because its all too apparent in their responses.

Are HD downloads 1080p now? No. Will they be? Yes, and very soon.

We already have services which allow for download of media on our TVs, why do you think this won't progress any further or that the gap between TV and PC won't blur more is just naive.

I can't say HD downloads will be the mainstream or the future, but I can assure you that I'm one of those who will have no problem skipping adopting Blu-Ray in favor of a format which is a true step forward (if only in convenience) and not just a superficial DVD makeover.

Sony is already banking on the PS4 being exclusively Digital Download Format, and with the PS3 being the flagship in many respects for Blu-Ray, it would seem even Sony has limited ambition for physical formats.

Imagine it, push a new physical format (Blu-Ray) during an uncertain and confusing transitional period forcing people to replace their media libraries while five years down the road planning to make physical media progressively obsolete in favor of a longer term money making venture, sounds like a great way to make money in the short term to me. Exploit the confused and ignorant masses who are baffled by the meriad of Digital and HD TVs available and the slew of emerging formats and media options there of. I don't know why all you assume Sony is this romantic technophile, they've made it quite clear that controlling the content, liscensure and properities of thier media is their top priority. Consumer convenience is something for the PR department to handle, not the R&D. Rootkits and the PS3, to name a few, have made this quite clear.

You're only serving your own selfish beliefs if you honestly think any company won't pull the rug out from underneath you to suit their own interests. I can't say what the future will be, but what I am saying is don't look me in the eye with any confidence and tell me things will be just fine for what you want.