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Assyrian612 said:
Hibern81 said:
I loved my game gear growing up. It got equal playing time for the most part compared to my gameboy as well. I think we are coming up on a paradigm shift in the gaming world this coming generation. I believe the Nintendo Fusion rumors to be true to a certain extent, and I feel a dedicated handheld might not be able to compete with what Nintendo is cooking up. I think it would be financial suicide to release hardware unless they were doing it with the backing of Sony or Microsoft.

So these Nintendo Fusion rumors, are they a new handheld or a connection between 3DS and WIi U? I never read up to much on it, but I did notice these rumors. I think if Sega fully commits itself into handheld, it could thrive but the only way to do so is with the right attack. Most of Sega's probelm was trying to be the first at everything, 32X and CD for example. Had they been patient with Genesis and followed by Saturn Sega could've been more stable now. They were too competitive for their own good lol

Sega wasn't really the first to do much. The TurboGrafx-16 got its CD attachment before the Genesis did, and the SNES had the ability to do what the 32x did built into it. FX chip yo! They were the first to offer a decent online games on-demand service though!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m