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Ronster316 said:

Would be nice.

They could make retail games (if the handheld is packing enough power) like SEGA Rally 3 (SEGA Rally revo does not count, it was made by a bum studio, not their AM5 division) Shenmue 3, Jet Set Radio 3, Binary Domain 2, Virtua Fighter 6 ect.

They could also have a XBLA/PSN type store where you could buy sequels to classic 2D games (and keep them 2D of course), games like Streets of Rage 4, Shinobi 4, Kid Chameleon 2, Vectorman 3, Ristar 2 etc.

Either way, if they ever did come back in to the handheld or console fray, i would support them 100% just like i have done since 1991.

Exactly, You and I agree 100%. I think Shenmue 3 might be a little harder to get developed in terms of Sega taking risks, the rest is plausible. I really hope Shenmue 3 is a reality just in general, but that's a story for another discussion. I would support Sega 100% too, I love knowing there's still Sega loyal fans around these days =)