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Okay, so chatting with a fellow user I came to this conclusion. We all know this generation of games has just begun and with that there has been many mixed opinions. For example, will this be the last gen for Xbox? Will the Wii U rebound with (Smash, MK8, Zelda HD)? Or what really got me thinking is; will the PS Vita survive?

The PS Vita has been my one hope for a platform this gen besides PS4 and honestly I loved it. Let's not forget though, the only way for a console to remain in the market is to be successful and that is not the story of the gorgeous Vita. Sadly if Sony doesn't turn the tides that is destroying the Vita this may well be the end for Sony in the handheld market. Not that it will hurt Sony since PS4 is a juggernaut and rightfully deserved, but what happens with only Nintendo in the handheld market?

Well in my humble opinion, I think that would be the greatest moment for Sega to re-enter the handheld market. The risk is not as harsh as competing in the home console market, plus Sega seems to thrive in this new generation of handheld gaming. See 3DS Sega classic ports or android/ios store. A Sega return into the handheld market would also open up a gorgeous catalog of classic games that have been sitting in as I call it (The Garden of Eden) plantation of wonderful Sega ip's like Ecco, Ristar, Vector Man, and Alex Kidd.. The catolog is endless and the handheld market is going to be a focal point in gaming in the future. The casual gamers Nintendo had with the Wii have all taken refuge in the handheld market. Sega's best chance to once again re-enter and believe me they are still a stubborn ol Japanese brand that thinks highly of itself see Sega's history of localizing games; that doesn't mean they should be looked past. They need to be tested once again to see if they are even relevant anymore. They need to get that old Sega toughness and take a chance again. Entering the handheld market could spark a Sega renaissance for their Ip's to return back to their iconic legacys.

So what do you think? Should Sega return and give us true gaming once again, with possibly a Sega Game Gear 2? Would you be okay if Sony fell out of the handheld market and Sega entered to compete with Nintendo? I am not against any consoles, I am a die hard gamer, and I love all video games. I love the history of gaming, the history of Sega vs Nintendo, Sega vs Sony, Sony vs Microsoft. I love it all, but there's still that Sega fan boy in me that knew what true gaming was on an 8-bit Sega Master System.. It's still thinking, so keep the Dream alive.