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kupomogli said:
Nem said:
Because they would be forced to give 60 dollar games for 15 dollars/euros... most probably.

It certainly beats petitions i suppose.

How would they?  If Square Enix puts the Kickstarter to not be funded unless Type-0 raises $500,000 and you only get a copy of the game if you pay a minimum of $40, then how ware you getting the game for less than what they ask?  You can pay $15, but you'll just be donating and not receiving anything because it's not the $40 asking price to receive a copy of the game.

This works the exact same way that it worked with Class of Heroes 2.

It really depends on what they want to ask for it. Theres also the issue of having resources pooled for it.

To be honest... im all up for it if it allows more games to come over, but localisations are not hugely expensive if small companies can do them and still make a profit with small numbers. The problem here isnt risk, its that those companies want the big bucks and will pool their resources in the projects they believe will give them the most money.

Customer relationship? Fans? They dont have that kind of business strategy. That is the real reason behind it. They certainly can localise the games if they want. Valkyria chronicles 2 for example was touted by SEGA has a failure in the west. It sold 250k. That localisation broke even for sure. It failed to meet the ammount of bang for their buck they wanted.

That is the issue. I dont think any kickstarters would solve that big problem. But maybe they can be lured by the advance money.

This is all extremely daft when Namco brings out a Star Trek game that is so terrible and costly that a Tales of on Vita would've made them more money. Yet, they went for that terrible Star Trek project.