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SvennoJ said:
aikohualda said:
SvennoJ said:
Those are 2 different questions.

Americans are very nice people, even the tsa and land border people that usually pull me aside are pretty friendly. An officer brought me my wallet from my unlocked car while I was waiting in the border office, advising me that I'm not in Canada anymore and should lock my car and take the valuables out. Thanks lol.

I wish Americans would pay more attention to what their government is doing, yet I know full well that that is a hypocritical request. I don't know 90% of what the Canadian government is up to. Ofcourse Canada doesn't have the military resources to fuck up the world.

It's a beautiful country too, but I wouldn't want to live there or visit without solid travel insurance. Reality shows where people refuse any medical care after a car accident, insane crime rate compared to here, guns guns more guns.

i wonder how canadians are like

I moved to Canada in 2002. Canadians may be a bit more aware of the world and their southern neighbours than the average American, but they are equally disinterested in politics. The country is officially bi-lingual but I have yet to meet an Ontarian that speaks french. Sure all the packaging is bi-lingual but apart from 2 French tv stations that's about the extent of it. Travelling to Montreal it's the opposite there, it might as well be 2 different countries.

It is true most people don't lock their doors here. Actual advice from my insurance company when I bought my first house here was to leave a bottle of booze near the front door. In case of a burglary they would just take that and leave.

Just as in the states people in shops are there to help you. That was the biggest eye opener compared to Holland. Back in the Netherlands they'll let you wait for minutes while they're talking on the phone with a friend, then ring you through with the phone tucked on their shoulder looking at you as if you're bothering them. Same with returns, I could not believe how easy it was to return stuff to shops here.
Here they'll open another register when there is more than 1 person waiting. Back in holland line ups of 15 people in front of you with half the registers unused are common. Same with service in restaurants. 2 hour dining experience, bullshit excuse for terribly slow service.
I have been to NY, and despite everybody saying those are the rudest people, I guess they haven't lived in Amsterdam yet.

Come to Ottawa and you'll meet lots of Ontarians who only speak French. 

Holland sounds really bad. I visited a few years ago and thought it was a really nice place. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54