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Zero999 said:
Hedra42 said:

You didn't answer the questions.

How many months specifically were the Wii U developers borrowed for? You've said that the delay was announced 3 months before May 27, but that doesn't necessarily tell us how long the Wii U developers were borrowed for.

Third time of asking - where's your source that if everyone was working with their original version, all of them would release simultaneously a little later than May 27? Your source can't be your math, because you have no figures. Walk me through some figures, and tell me where you got them from.

I am assuming that by your final comment, you didn't read or at least didn't understand any of the links I posted for you. Did you actually read and understand them?

Until you've answered those questions, there's nothing supporting anything you've said in this thread (or the other one for that matter) so far. Just be thankful the game looks like it's coming out this side of Christmas.

go back to the "x people take x hours to build a wall" example and think a little.

and thankfull is the last thing one should be in this situation.

I see, so now we have the REAL answers.

How many months were the Wii U developers specifically borrowed for? Answer - You don't know.

Where is the source showing that all versions would have been finished around June or July if they'd just been left to get on with it? - Answer - In your own imagination.

Did you read or understand any of the links I gave you? - In the absence of an answer, I will assume you did not.

You have based your argument on arbitary figures and timeframes which you yourself invented, and have refused to divulge here. You have then gone on to use this fabrication to flame a company and accuse them of purposefully disrespecting Nintendo customers by making a decision which was the best that they could do in the circumstances.

You have demonstrated in these past few posts that you have not even wanted to understand the bigger picture, even when it is set out right in front of you.  Everywhere I look, you're arguing this subject with no facts to back it up; nothing anyone else on this forum seems to say about it makes you want to change your mind.

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, of course. But opinion is all it is, based on nothing more than your own rage, and it's getting old.

There's a saying. You can't please all of the people all of the time. And that is the case with Ubisoft here. Get over it.