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We have already had a thread MGS 4 vs Gears of War 2. Now is Resistance 2 vs Gears of War 2. Came on! MGS 4, Resistance 2 and GoW are diffrent types of games.
MGS is stealth action. You can compare it with Tom Clancy's games but not with GoW.
In my opinion Tom Clancy's series are better but everybody had a different taste.
Resistance is FPS you can compare it with Halo but not with GoW.
GoW don't have competition with any PS3 title and is one of a few 3rd person shooters I like.
I hope Resistance 2 will be better then Resistance: FoM. Resistance was not a bad game, but it was far away from killers like GoW, Bioshock, CoD 4. I don't think Resistance 2 will sell more then GoW.