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SubiyaCryolite said:
This is dumb. Here in Africa black, white and mixed are considered 3 distinct races. Ive always found it strange how Obama is called black when his mother is clearly white, do black genes erase or overwrite the white ones or something? Its retarded, why doesn't anyone call Obama white? Only half of his genes apply? Seriously XD

Singer Martin Gore has a black father and a white mother and he has white skin to the point where he only got his mom to tell him who his dad was when his wife had a baby daughter who was clearly of mixed race. He thought his wife had cheated on him, but it was his own black genes coming through in his offspring in a way they did not in him. That kind of thing is all genetics.

In politics, the real 'racial' divides are divides of cultures. Worrying about what people's skin tone is doesn't matter. Different cultures have different voting preferences, and these are strongly influenced but not dictated by the people's perceived race. A poor white person in the Appalachian mountains has little in common with a hip, upper class Californian youth even though they are both white. And lots of people with black skin do not conform to what a lot of people think of as 'african american culture,' even as plenty of white-skinned people, asians, etc. do attempt to participate in certain types of that culture. 

People need to stop thinking of these voting constituiences as being defined by people's skin and more by people's culture.