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SweetTalia said:
GotBoth said:
SweetTalia said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

SweetTalia said:
In the UK & USA, ps4 is not outselling xbox one by that much weekly..i would not say they are "bad"..

ps4 is all over europe, xbox one is not.

"ps4 is all over europe, xbox one is not."

Do you think that is the XB1 was out "all over europe" that it would make much of a difference? I am asking because it just seems like the PS consoles sell better over there in general.

But I say the XB1 is not doing bad by any means. Better than the 360 at this same point at time and moving and selling faster than the Wii U(which even with more games AND a cheaper price can't outsell the PS4 or the XB1 which is crazy). So I am sure MS wants it to be selling better than it is but I do not think the XB1 is selling bad at UK and USA that is. When it releases WW in Sept we will get a clearer picture even though I do not think it will be a huge difference from what we are seeing now personally.

Xbox one is not doing too well in europe mostly because of the price. It's fact.

Are you seriously telling me if xbox one was sold in 54 countries. will have the same sale figures? o_0 

only  the delusional ones think that price and more countries won't have an impact

But this thread is about current sales.  So hypotheticals don't matter. Its not in 54 countries and its not 399.  Plus with the 20% boost other countries would give it, much wouldnt be changed.  They can still only produce a certain amount so more sells in the other 30 or so countries would mean less is US/UK.  Which is EXACTLY why Microsoft delayed the other countries.

"hypotheticals don't matter." lol matters when people are making "doom" threads like this without looking at the big picture.

Hypotheticals never matter.  For people predicting doom or defending it.  FACT is Xbox is not saling as predicted.  For a company not to meet forcasts is BAD (at least to that company and people with a company mindset).  NOthing else really matters. I don't, you don't.  How Microsoft feels is the only fact.  We all have OPINIONS.  But if we take ourself out and look at this through microsoft lens (I forcasted x systems sold at $499, that didnt happen so I cut price temporarily and forcasted x sold with a game bundled, that didnt happen, so I'm looking into further measures) the Xbox one is doing Bad.