fadetoone said:
Yeah, that's the *easiest* Dark Aeon. The Jecht sphere doesn't show up until you defeat Spherimorph, so unless you walk all the way back before Valefor shows up, you have to go through him. So for perspective, I missed the destruction sphere chest because I pushed the pedestal first and it wouldn't let me go back, so I figured I'd wait until later. So with Dark Valefor blocking my path, I couldn't go back and get it, which means I couldn't get Anima, which means I couldn't get the Moon Sigil, which means I could't power up Yuna's celestial weapon. Sure, by no means preventing me from getting the platinum, but holding me back from getting a lot of stuff. Thank googly moogly for Zanmato. |
I feel your pain buddy. I've just made the chocobo race, after 2 hours trying. What a fucking piece of trash, I got mad as hell...I'm so glad it's over and that without hurting my Vita at all