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If god created the earth and nature, then he is a huge jack ass. Creationists talk about how earth is the perfect habitat for us and all living things, when really it's an EXTREMELY HARSH habitat for us or any living thing, barely survivable for any life. It's subject to rapid climate changes, yearly cycles of having an over abundance of food or having virtually no food at all, sudden mass destruction by means of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, and the majority of the land on earth is covered in climates so harsh they can barely support life. If earth is so perfect of a habitat why have countless species that god created gone extinct long before man ever came onto the scene? Why did god create so many animals just to kill them? Why did he create a "perfect" earth that kills more creatures and species than it sustains? If he made the earth the way it is now, then he's an architect but a really really crappy one. Like with all other things with god, just point out the good things, ooh look at the water cycle! And ignore the bad things Ooh look how the water cycle forces creatures to travel half way across africa every year just to get a drink of water during the summer time, with only a fraction of them surviving the trip through the harsh punishing climate!

Also Nature itself does not denote a loving and wise creator. If you were all loving and all wise, would you create a system of life that is based on a cycle of death and pain, and endless painful struggle to pass on one's genes? All life is based on the death (frequently very gruesome and painful deaths, watch a pack of lions kill a baby elephant and begin eating it while it's still alive and talk about how miraculous it is) of other creatures.

God being infinitely wise, powerful and loving could have and by definition should have created a perfectly balanced paradise earth where pain and death are unnecessary. Pain and death shouldn't even be in god's heart, and yet they are the fundamental basis for all life. The bible says in genesis the earth used to be a paradise 6000 years ago, when science and history very clearly show that isn't true.

Trying to reconcile our planet to a loving, powerful, and wise god is a ridiculous and impossible act. And can only be done if you ignore everything that disagrees with you....oh wait....that's how they do it...

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.