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Smash is a multiplayer game. The whole point of Smash is to play it with other people, usually in person. So, the Wii U version, for people who own both consoles, will definitely be the version to buy.

IF someone was going to buy a Wii U solely for Smash, the 3DS version probably isn't going to effect things much. That kind of gamer is probably the kind who was really into the multiplayer aspect of the game and will wait for the Wii U version, or is such a big gamer that he's going to buy both versions. I just don't see someone who was going to spend 360 dollars to play smash on Wii U going like "oh a 3DS version? I'm good now."

There are some more casual Smash fans who will only buy one version, and in this way the 3DS version will potentially take away from the Wii version initially. Of course, that person was unlikely to buy a Wii U just for Smash. For this gamer, Smash on the 3DS might serve as an additional enticement for the Wii U, particularly if the connectivity is strong.

Spacing between the two versions is a good thing. Asking people to spend 100 dollars on day one is a big deal. Spreading the releases out eases the blow on the wallet, and enables the 3DS version to be a more effective ad for the Wii U version. OMG this is amazing. Wait, there's an HD version with different modes, stages, more music, and I can play it with other people? Throughout the Wii era, DS and Wii versions of similar games lived in harmony. Granted, none of those games were quite as similar as the two smashes. Ideally, the Wii U version would have come first, but c'est la vie.

The element that people are missing in this debate is that the 3DS also needs help. People seem to think just because the 3DS is crushing it's direct competition that it's doing fine. The 3DS is not doing fine. It's falling far short of where it needs to be to assure Nintendo a healthy profit, particularly with how their home console is doing. The 3DS has fewer big games this year than the Wii U. The Wii U will have Mario Kart in late May, which will serve as its big summer game. The 3DS will have Mario Golf and Kirby. The former will sell 1-1.5 million most likely, and Kirby will sell 2 million or so, but has already released in Japan. The 3DS needs a hardware booster. The fact that the hardcore Smash fans have always been on Nintendo consoles might open up Smash to a new audience on handhelds.

So, yeah. I don't think it's a big deal. I think people were overestimating the effect Smash would have on hardware while also misunderstanding the appeal of the gamer. I do think the Wii U version would be better for July, but I guess it wasn't to be.